Functional Strength Assessment
Hi , these assessments are so you can see how functionally strong you are becoming. Follow the video instructions and undertake the assessment based on the Functional Level you attained (eg. Beg, Int, Adv).
Hey , don’t rush the assessment, follow the video instructions carefully and get some family or friend support if needed.
Throughout each of the assessments you’ll be asked to either count the amount of repetitions, or the time you achieved, in the assessment.
Start your Assessment
Read Pushup Transcript
The Pushup assesses the strength of chest muscles (pectorals), Shoulders and arms (triceps and biceps)..
Use a mug on the floor placed in between the hands, and underneath the chest, and aim to touch the chest to the mug each time you lower yourself to the floor.
Beginner 1
-If you’re unable to get down onto the floor, find a wall, take 2 foot widths back
-Hands are placed just over shoulder width apart
-Lean forward, bending at the elbows.
-How many can you do in 30 seconds.
Beginner 2
-If you’re able to get onto the floor, but can’t get your hips down, you can do the pushup with the hips up.
-Bend at the elbows and take the chest down to the cup.
-Count how many you do in 30 seconds.
-From the floor, with hips down, take hands just over shoulder width apart
-Bend at the elbows.
-From your knees, take the chest towards the floor,
-Bending at the elbows,
-Touch the cup with your chest,
-Then push back up.
-From the floor, with hips down,
-Take hands just over shoulder width apart, and bend at the elbows.
-From your toes, Take the chest towards the floor
-Bending at the elbows, and touch the cup with your chest, then push back up.
Time how many Pushups you were able to do in 30 seconds.
Read Plank Transcript
The plank assess the deep abdominal and back muscles, so will strengthen your core in an isometric or static hold. Make sure you don’t drop your head, don’t arch your back, don’t have your hips up in the air, and keep your core on.
-Start on your front on the floor
-Pull the belly button in
-Have your tongue on the roof of your mouth
-Then lift up hips off the floor
-Stay on your knees and keep the hips down
-Start on your front on the floor
-Pull the belly button in
-have your tongue on the roof of your mouth
-go up onto your forearms and toes
-Start on your front on the floor
-Pull the belly button in
-have your tongue on the roof of your mouth
-go up onto your hands and toes
Stay up as long as you have good form but if your back starts to hurt come down. You back shouldn’t be arching or your head dropped and your bottom shouldn’t be lifted.
Time how long you were able to maintain a plank with correct form.
Read Seated Squat Transcript
The Seated Squat assess multiple muscle groups in your lower body. The main muscles used to go from sitting to standing are your quadriceps, hips, glutes, hamstrings and the calves for balance and will also include your abdominals and even stabilisers for balance. This move will allow you to get up and down off the toilet and off a chair at the dining table.
-Arms are across your chest.
-Lean forward onto the butt bones and push straight up.
-Don’t let the knees go over the toes.
-Push through your heels and stand up tall.
-When sitting back down reverse the process.
-Bend the hips back as you keep your body straight and keep the centre up.
-Don’t are your back or bend your back.
NOTE: If your seat is lower, it will be harder to get up.
Time how many Seated Squats you were able to do in 30 seconds.
Read Get Down Roll & Get Up Transcript
The Get Down Roll & Get Up assess most of the muscles in the body are used in this exercise. You will be using your quadriceps, hamstrings, glutes, arms and shoulders and a lot of your core muscles. Time yourself from standing to going down, rolling, then standing again.
-Go down to the floor.
-If you need help with a solid object to get down, then make a note that you used it.
-When down on the floor, start by lying on your back.
-Roll from your back to your front, then again onto the back (one total roll) then roll all the way back until you’re lying on your back again.
-Roll onto your front and get up off the floor until you are standing all the way up.
-If you require a solid object to help you get up then do so.
-If you can get down to the floor but can’t roll due to a serious medical condition, then just do the get down and up and time it. –
Every 6 weeks we would love to see you improve on your time, so if possible, practice this frequently. The more you practise the easier it gets.
Time how long you were able to complete the Get Down Roll & Get Up movement.
Hey , how was the assessment? We’d love to hear your thoughts, drop a comment below.