Functional Strength Assessment

Hi , these assessments are so you can see how functionally strong you are becoming. Follow the video instructions and undertake the assessment based on the Functional Level you attained (eg. Beg, Int, Adv).

Hey , don’t rush the assessment, follow the video instructions carefully and get some family or friend support if needed.

Throughout each of the assessments you’ll be asked to either count the amount of repetitions, or the time you achieved, in the assessment.


Start your Assessment

Time how many Pushups you were able to do in 30 seconds.

Time how long you were able to maintain a plank with correct form.

Time how many Seated Squats you were able to do in 30 seconds.

Time how long you were able to complete the Get Down Roll & Get Up movement.

Hey , how was the assessment? We’d love to hear your thoughts, drop a comment below.
