
For Programs:

30 day money back guarantee on ALL Program purchases, no questions asked. Refunds are not available beyond 30 days of purchase. You MUST reach out to to request a refund within 30 days of purchase.

Simply canceling your program payment plan will not automatically result in a refund. It will simply stop you from being charged again, and lose access to past and ongoing content. Failure to reach out to support within 30 days of purchase will void your right to a refund.

Not ALL Programs have lifetime access. Once the Program Duration/Access Period is over, you will still have access to the online portal and any free content you’ve registered for, but will lose access to the Program/s you signed up for.

If you’re not happy with your purchase, just visit our help page and contact support to request a refund.

For Subscription Cancellations:

Please note that if you cancel your subscription membership, you will not be charged again and you will have access to the members area for the remainder of the term you originally purchased. IE. If monthly subscription payments, access will remain until the end of the last monthly payment billing cycle. If annual subscription payments, access will remain until the end of the current annual billing cycle.

Once that term is over you will still have access to the online portal and any free content you’ve registered for, but will lose access to the STRONG ZONE membership area.