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How do I add Photos to my Profile

To access your photos click your name or photo in the top right and from the dropdown menu select ‘photos’. From here you can upload any photos that represent your fitness and wellness journey. 

To upload a photo, simply press the ‘add photo’ button and choose the files you want to upload. You can also sort photos into albums if you have a large number.

Then select photo from computer/laptop to upload.

OR, if on mobile you’ll have the option to upload from Photo library or Take a photo

NOTE: Here, for both you’ll be able to set privacy on who can see the photo. If you set to ONLY ME it won’t appear in any group posts you make.

Once selected and uploaded

You may have a goal to climb a mountain, do a fun run, swim with your grandchildren, or push a wheelbarrow around your garden.

Maybe you want to share photos of where you workout, new equipment you’ve purchased, or your kids joining in the workouts with you.

Anything related to your journey you might like to share or look back on in the weeks and months to come.

Please don’t hesitate to share your photos in your profile so you can track the progress of your fitness journey, and inspire others as you go along.