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How the STRONG A.D.L. Movements program works

This program is designed to strength both physically (strengthen movements) and technically (form during movement) how your body functionally works as you get about doing all the “Active Daily Life” Movements we all undertake.

Any Order option #

Whilst you are not restricted to the order to complete a movement we have listed them in what we believe are the most life/lifestyle impacting order to master.

There is NO TIMELINE to completion, take as long as needed to practice and become confident in the movement across the many daily situations you may find yourself undertaking them.

How to master a movement? #

  1. Select movement to master.

2. Watch WHY the movement is essential.

  1. Look and practice the movement form/technique

4. Do the movement mini workout and repeat as often as you like.

  1. Watch and practice the various movement variations

6. Take the movement 2 week challenge to practice in real life situations.

  1. When you believe you’ve practiced and mastered the movement CLICK the “Mark Session Complete” button and move to the next movement.

When you’ve mastered ALL the movements #

Clicking the complete button is critical to capturing your progress as you move through the program. This then becomes visible as a % complete metric on your Dashboard page, Program/Challenge main page, and is a key in capturing your progress towards the various Achievement badges and rewards.