Functional Mobility Assessment
Hi , these assessments are used to determine your starting functional level when starting any SpiceSTRONG program or our STRONG Zone Membership. It will determine your starting level (beginner, intermediate or advanced) along with setting a range of where you are within that level (high-mid-low). This will help to give a picture or timeline as to when you might transition to a higher workout level.
Additionally, ongoing assessments will determine the correct time to transition to a higher level, thereby avoiding progressing too soon and getting injured or disheartened with inability to complete workouts.
NOTE: The foundation for these assessments is the Gray Cook FMS Protocol. We have modified various aspects to better correlate with an older, in-active woman beginning a fitness journey, and self-assessing at home.
Hey , don’t rush the assessment, follow the video instructions carefully and get some family or friend support if needed.
Throughout each of the assessments you’ll be asked to score your attempt between zero and three. Note down your score for each assessment and when finished total them for a score out of 18. This total score establishes what your Starting Workout Functional Level (Beg, Int, Adv).
0-6 Beginner
7-12 Intermediate
13-18 Advanced
Hey, if you scored below what you thought don’t be disheartened, with commitment to regular workouts you’ll begin to see improvement.
Access to a doorway, broom stick (handle only) or piece of equivalent dowel, masking tape, and two books (25mm or 1-inch thick).